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Considering Picky Eaters When Stocking for Your Survival Food Supply

Little kid not wanting food

When it comes to building a survival food supply, many of us focus on finding tasty, long-lasting options that are easy to prepare in case of an emergency. That's exactly what I did. However, one crucial factor often gets overlooked - picky eaters.

Despite spending years preparing for my own needs, I didn't anticipate how much the dietary preferences and restrictions of picky eaters in my household would impact my plans. It wasn't until I got married and became a stepfather that I realized the importance of considering everyone's tastes when it comes to my survival food supply.

Additionally, children, in particular, may not be as willing to make the necessary sacrifices to weather a disaster. In this blog post, I will share my experiences as a survival prepper and the valuable lessons I've learned about providing for a family with varying tastes.

My Family Doesn't Like My Survival Food Supply

Young kid doesn't like their food

Yes. It was a bit of a rude awakening to find this out the hard way. Well, that may not be entirely correct. My survival food supply does include some dried fruits and berries that my family enjoys.

However, when I gave two of my stepchildren a taste of one of my preferred survival rations, the reaction was far from positive. The dramatic face one of them pulled might have you believe that the world's most rank gym sock had found its way under her nose. I'm not too proud to admit I got a good laugh out of that. But I do acknowledge that she tends to be a bit of a drama queen.

While I would be comfortable enough with my current stock in an emergency, I know some members of my family would struggle. I understand that certain sacrifices would need to be made in a genuine crisis. The quantity of the rations is certainly less than our typical daily intake.

Reading the labels, some of the rations are designed to provide as little as 1200 calories per day. Others are up to 1500 or even 1800 calories per day. As a fairly large individual, this would be significantly less than my usual consumption. I would definitely feel the difference. But the ultimate goal of these rations is survival, not necessarily comfort. Self-reliance in normal living conditions is an entirely different matter.

When it comes to survival, every detail matters. From the selection of food supplies to the reactions of family members tasting them, it's important to consider every aspect. While my own preferences align with the chosen survival rations, it's evident that not everyone shares the same sentiment.

The varying caloric content of the rations further highlights the contrast between our usual daily intake and what would be available in times of crisis. The difference would undoubtedly be felt, especially for someone of larger stature like myself. However, in the face of survival, comfort takes a backseat. These rations are designed to sustain life, not provide the luxuries we're accustomed to in normal living conditions.

Reflecting on a Medicine Administration Fiasco

spilled medicine

I like to believe that I was quite tolerant as a child when it came to taking medicine. As I grew older, I became even more compliant, aware that the bitter taste was a temporary discomfort for the greater good. Namely, I didn't like being sick and medicine tended to help with that.

However, dealing with younger children can be a bit more challenging. This became evident when I tried to administer medicine to my youngest stepchild. Whether it was the unappealing taste or the general reluctance towards medicine, the entire process turned into a mess. The medicine ended up in locations where it certainly wasn't supposed to be. Needless to say, cleaning up after was not pleasant.

This incident made me think about what could happen if we were in a crisis and I had to give her survival rations. If she found them unpalatable, just like the medicine, there's a good chance most of that vital ration could end up wasted, defeating the purpose of having a survival food supply. The potential wasting of resources could severely hamper our ability to weather a crisis, making this a significant concern.

While reflecting on this, I couldn't help but wonder about the different approaches to making survival rations more appealing to children. Perhaps there could be innovative ways to create nutritious and tasty options that would encourage children to consume them willingly, even during challenging times.

Perhaps they already exist and I just need to do some more research. Exploring this aspect further, I realized that not only would it ensure the proper intake of essential nutrients but also alleviate the stress and potential wastage during critical situations.

Finding effective solutions to this issue could greatly enhance our preparedness for emergencies. It would not only address the concerns of children's resistance to unappetizing food but also contribute to a more efficient and sustainable use of survival resources.

As I delve deeper into this topic, I am determined to explore innovative ideas and collaborate with experts to finding or creating practical and enticing survival food options for children, ensuring their well-being and the effective utilization of vital resources in times of crisis.

Where I'm Currently At

At present, I find myself carefully reevaluating my survival strategy, taking into account the newfound familial responsibilities that have come my way. The transition from being a solitary survivalist to becoming a devoted family man has necessitated a significant shift in my thinking and approach to preparedness.

Previously, I had naively assumed that the pangs of hunger would serve as a powerful enough incentive for my family to consume whatever rations were available, even in the most challenging survival scenarios. However, I have come to learn that children, in their own unique way, can be surprisingly stubborn, especially when it comes to their food preferences.

As a result, my current focus lies in conducting thorough research to identify more palatable survival rations that my family would willingly consume should the need to rely on them ever arise. It is crucial to strike a balance between nutritional value and taste, ensuring that these provisions not only sustain us but also provide a sense of comfort and familiarity during challenging times.

I am genuinely curious to know if you, too, have ever pondered upon such scenarios and how you might have addressed them. This serves as an open invitation for you to share your experiences and insights. After all, when it comes to preparedness, it is always better to be proactive rather than reactive. So, if you haven't already, I strongly encourage you to start accumulating your survival food supply today!

Let's stay safe together and continue this conversation, as we navigate the unpredictable nature of life with resilience and preparedness.

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